Child will understand that volume is how you measure the amount of space something takes up.
Essential Question(s):
How do we measure how much space something takes up?
Special Materials:
Pencil and paper
Bricks Required:
16×16 or 8×8 plate, 2xN bricks
Project Structure
- Hold up a rectangular object of some sort (a ream of paper, a deck of cards, a book) and ask child how to measure it.
- Child may recommend using a ruler. Ask what parts of the object should be measured. Child’s answers will vary.
- Explain that child has already found the area of flat things, but that something like a book or deck of cards takes up space and that we measure that space through finding an object’s volume.
- Measure the object to find its volume.
- Have child build a rectangular structure and find its volume.
- Child could be restricted to just 2×2 and 2×4 bricks; total bricks might then be counted to find the volume (noting that 2×4 bricks would count as two bricks). Unit of measure would be “bricks.”
- Child could build with any bricks and use the number of studs on each layer to find the volume. Unit of measure would be “cubic studs.”
- The example has three sections: 8 on the top layer, 18 on the middle layer, and 32 on the bottom layer, yielding 58 cubic units.
- Task child with finding the volume of quadrilateral containers (like a small cardboard box).
- Have child devise an explanation on how they plan to measure the volume of the container.
- Some possible methods are:
- Using the SOHO bricks to fill the container;
- Counting the brick units;
- Using a ruler to measure the 3 dimensions.
- Have child perform their method to determine the volume of the box.