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Workshops & Courses Professional Development

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Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers

Middle school teachers discover how to integrate the arts - dance and music - with core academic subjects in this video workshop.
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The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers

Discover how the principles of good teaching are implemented in the visual and performing arts.
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Connecting with the Arts: A Teaching Practices Library, 6-8

This video library features a variety of approaches to integrating the arts in middle school classrooms nationwide.
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K-2, 3-5

The Arts In Every Classroom: A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers

Discover some new ideas about working with the arts in this video workshop for K-5 classroom and arts specialist teachers.
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K-2, 3-5

The Arts In Every Classroom: A Video Library K-5

Explore different ways to introduce the arts into the classroom in this video library for K-5 classroom teachers and arts specialists.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections

This video course for K-12 educators acquaints teachers with current neuroscience research that they can apply in their own classrooms.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Essential Lens: Analyzing Photographs Across the Curriculum

A multidisciplinary resource for middle and high school teachers to use photographs and photographic ephemera to convey content and teach visual analysis skills.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

The Learning Classroom: Theory Into Practice

Explore learning theories and how these ideas apply to classroom practice in this video course for K-12 teachers.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Reading & Writing in the Disciplines

Learn research, practice, and tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons.
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English Language Arts


Inside Writing Communities, Grades 3-5

This video workshop for grade 3-5 teachers demonstrates how writing workshops motivate students and help them become proficient writers.
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Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers

Learn effective practices and strategies to help students become confident and proficient writers.
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Making Meaning in Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 6-8

Learn techniques for helping students become engaged and enthusiastic readers in this video workshop for middle school teachers.
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Making Meaning in Literature: A Video Library, Grades 6-8

This video library for grade 6-8 language arts teachers shows teaching practices that support student interaction with literature.
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Engaging With Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 3-5

This video workshop shows grade 3-5 teachers how to help students become effective and engaged readers of literature.
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Engaging with Literature: A Video Library, Grades 3-5

In this video library, watch grades 3-5 teachers successfully guide students toward becoming more active readers of literature.
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6-8, 9-12

In Search of the Novel

Find strategies for introducing and teaching ten commonly taught novels - from Frankenstein to Harry Potter.
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6-8, 9-12

Conversations in Literature

Learn about "envisionment building" as a tool for literary interpretation with a community of expert readers.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Essential Lens: Analyzing Photographs Across the Curriculum

A multidisciplinary resource for middle and high school teachers to use photographs and photographic ephemera to convey content and teach visual analysis skills.
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Teaching Reading: K-2 Workshop

Drawing on real classrooms and literacy research, this video workshop addresses critical topics in teaching reading for K-2 teachers.
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Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices

This video library shows the teaching practices of K-2 teachers nationwide who use research based methodologies to teach their students to read.
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Teaching Multicultural Literature: A Workshop for the Middle Grades

This video workshop introduces middle school teachers to diverse American writers and presents dynamic instructional strategies.
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The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School

Explore the richness of multicultural literature through four pedagogical approaches.
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9-12, College/Adult

Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers

This video workshop presents practical and philosophical advice for teaching writing in high school.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Reading & Writing in the Disciplines

Learn research, practice, and tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons.
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9-12, College/Adult

American Passages: A Literary Survey

American literary movements and authors in the context of history and culture.
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6-8, 9-12

Insights Into Algebra 1: Teaching for Learning

This video workshop for middle and high school teachers presents strategies for improving how typical Algebra 1 topics are taught.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Essential Lens: Analyzing Photographs Across the Curriculum

A multidisciplinary resource for middle and high school teachers to use photographs and photographic ephemera to convey content and teach visual analysis skills.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Reading & Writing in the Disciplines

Learn research, practice, and tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons.
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6-8, 9-12

A Private Universe

Discover why even Ivy League graduates don't really grasp basic science concepts in this video documentary for grade 5-12 educators.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Minds of our Own

Learn about misconceptions about how children learn and how they affect teaching practices in this video for K-12 educators and parents.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Essential Lens: Analyzing Photographs Across the Curriculum

A multidisciplinary resource for middle and high school teachers to use photographs and photographic ephemera to convey content and teach visual analysis skills.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8

Essential Science for Teachers: Physical Science

Review the physical science concepts needed to teach today's standards-based curricula in this video course for elementary school teachers.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8

Essential Science for Teachers: Life Science

Elementary school teachers can use this life science video course to review concepts needed to teach today's standard-based curricula.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8

Essential Science for Teachers: Earth and Space Science

This video course for elementary school teachers covers Earth and space science concepts needed to teach today's standards-based curricula.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Reading & Writing in the Disciplines

Learn research, practice, and tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons.
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9-12, College/Adult

The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science 

What makes Earth unique among the planets? Explore the natural functions of Earth’s systems and Earth’s ability to sustain life.
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Social Media

Social Studies & History

9-12, College/Adult

Democracy in America

A comprehensive video course for high school teachers on civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions based on an established civics framework.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Essential Lens: Analyzing Photographs Across the Curriculum

A multidisciplinary resource for middle and high school teachers to use photographs and photographic ephemera to convey content and teach visual analysis skills.
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K-2, 3-5

Social Studies in Action: A Methodology Workshop, K-5

This video workshop for K-5 teachers provides a framework for teaching social studies, with a focus on creating effective citizens.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Social Studies in Action: A Teaching Practices Library, K-12

This video library for K-12 teachers shows a variety of effective social studies lessons and techniques for use with students at all levels.
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Making Civics Real: A Workshop for Teachers

This video workshop illustrates an activist approach to the teaching of civics.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Reading & Writing in the Disciplines

Learn research, practice, and tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons.
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9-12, College/Adult

American Passages: A Literary Survey

American literary movements and authors in the context of history and culture.
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World Languages

K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: Workshop

This video workshop introduces middle school teachers to diverse American writers and presents dynamic instructional strategies.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices

This video library illustrates effective instruction and assessment strategies for the teaching of foreign languages in grades K-12.
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