Child will understand the directionality of addition and subtraction.
Essential Question(s):
How can we use grouping to better understand addition and subtraction?
Special Materials:
A deck of cards without the kings, queens, and jacks; pencil and paper
Bricks Required:
9 each of two different colors of 1×2 bricks, 9 clear 1×2 bricks and a 16×16 plate to stick them on
Project Structure
- Ask child to explain how addition and subtraction are related.
- Answers may include that they are opposites.
- Explain that addition can be used to help with subtraction and subtraction to help with addition.
- Hand out cards (at least one each of 1-9), a 16×16 plate, and bricks
- Ask child to draw two cards and create an addition sentence with one number missing (card x + ___ = card y, where y is the larger number) out of bricks on the plate. Child should line up the bricks so it’s easy to see where the blanks are.
- Child can use the clear bricks to help count how many are missing to fill in their equations and record them on paper.
- Child should repeat this process a few times.
- Child then continues to draw cards, this time creating a subtraction sentence that focuses on the unknown addend, and recording their work.