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We track the lived experience of teachers, students, and parents alongside the organizations that serve them. Guest speakers share what’s working and the steps we can take to reimagine and redesign teaching and learning for our most vulnerable populations.

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About Annenberg Learner  
Annenberg Learner is the education division of the Annenberg Foundation, created to advance excellent teaching in American schools. For more than three decades, Annenberg Learner has pursued this mission by funding and distributing multimedia resources, including video, print, and web materials, for the professional development of teachers (K-12 and college levels). These resources in all discipline areas help teachers to stay up-to-date in their fields and to use current learning research in their classrooms. More than 100 multimedia courses and workshops are streamed free through

As the name Annenberg Learner implies, its focus is on the teacher, as well as the student, as a learner.