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Resources College/Adult

9-12, College/Adult

Social Studies: Parent Resources

A complementary collection of parent resources for FX's Social Studies, the groundbreaking documentary series by Lauren Greenfield.
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9-12, College/Adult

Social Studies: Educational Curriculum

A complementary curriculum for FX's Social Studies, the groundbreaking documentary series by Lauren Greenfield.
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9-12, College/Adult

Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition

Discovering Psychology provides an overview of historic and current theories of human behavior.
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9-12, College/Adult

Earth Revealed

Explore the complex processes that shape our planet.
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9-12, College/Adult

Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish

This video instructional series for high school classrooms and adult learners teaches Spanish speaking and listening skills.
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9-12, College/Adult

Democracy in America

A comprehensive video course for high school teachers on civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions based on an established civics framework.
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9-12, College/Adult

A Biography of America

American history is presented as a living narrative rather than a collection of facts and dates.
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9-12, College/Adult

Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions

A video instructional series in basic chemistry concepts and science history.
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9-12, College/Adult

Economics U$A: 21st Century Edition

Introductory micro- and macroeconomics using news-style case studies paired with analysis segments that tie the stories to fundamental economic principles.
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9-12, College/Adult

Invitation to World Literature

See beneath the surface of 13 great works of world literature that have traveled the globe with this course resource for teachers, students, and lovers of literature.
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K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections

This video course for K-12 educators acquaints teachers with current neuroscience research that they can apply in their own classrooms.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Essential Lens: Analyzing Photographs Across the Curriculum

A multidisciplinary resource for middle and high school teachers to use photographs and photographic ephemera to convey content and teach visual analysis skills.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Ethics in America II

Eminent leaders explore hypothetical ethical dilemmas in this video series for college and high school classrooms and adult leaders.
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9-12, College/Adult

Voices & Visions

Readings and photographs illuminate the works of 13 American poets in this video series.
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9-12, College/Adult

Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers

This video workshop presents practical and philosophical advice for teaching writing in high school.
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9-12, College/Adult

The World of Abnormal Psychology

A look at psychological disorders and their impact on behavior.
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9-12, College/Adult

The Brain: Teaching Modules

This series offers extensive footage and research into the inner workings of this amazing human organ.
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9-12, College/Adult

French in Action

Become fluent in French by exploring the culture in this video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.
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9-12, College/Adult

Exploring the World of Music

Learn the essentials of music theory and how music expresses culture in this video instructional series.
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9-12, College/Adult

Ethics in America

Build moral reasoning by examining ethical dilemmas in this video series.
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6-8, 9-12, College/Adult

Reading & Writing in the Disciplines

Learn research, practice, and tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons.
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9-12, College/Adult

Art Through Time: A Global View

Explore works of art throughout time and human cultures.
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9-12, College/Adult

American Passages: A Literary Survey

American literary movements and authors in the context of history and culture.
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9-12, College/Adult

Against All Odds: Inside Statistics

This video series shows students the relevance of statistics in real-world settings.
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9-12, College/Adult

American Cinema

Over 150 Hollywood insiders document American culture through film.
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9-12, College/Adult

The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science 

What makes Earth unique among the planets? Explore the natural functions of Earth’s systems and Earth’s ability to sustain life.
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9-12, College/Adult

Physics for the 21st Century

Explore the frontiers of physics research with the scientists on the front lines in this 11-unit course in modern physics for high school physics teachers, undergraduate students, and science enthusiasts.
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9-12, College/Adult

The Constitution: That Delicate Balance

Probe beliefs and biases about the Constitution in this video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.
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