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A two-year drought in California in the 1970s motivated areas such as Marin County to conserve by reducing their water consumption by as much as 66 percent. Following the Arab oil embargoes of 1973, the Nixon administration latched onto the world price of “new” oil, encouraging domestic oil suppliers to drill again. Jordache designer jeans used creative advertising to create a demand for blue jeans. These stories illuminate factors that determine the quantity of goods demanded by consumers and the factors that determine the quantity of goods supplied.
To help viewers understand the factors that determine the quantity of goods demanded by consumers and the factors that determine the quantity of goods supplied.
Secretary of Defense under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and the first U.S. Secretary of Energy, under President Jimmy Carter. While Secretary of Defense, he opposed amnesty for draft resisters and pressed for the development of more sophisticated nuclear weapon systems. Additionally, his support for the A-10 and the lightweight fighter program (later the F-16) helped ensure that they were carried to completion. Between 1955 and 1963, he taught economics at the University of Virginia and in 1960 published The Political Economy of National Security. He also worked at the Rand Corporation as Director of Strategic Studies. Dr. Schlesinger received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University.
Financial Analyst and First Vice President at Merrill Lynch and Company, specializing in the textiles and the apparel industry. In 1996, she tied for the number one analyst spot in the Textile and Apparel Industry. She has been interviewed and quoted by many fashion and New York magazines regarding her opinions on the fashion trade.