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The Arts In Every Classroom: A Video Library K-5

Leadership Team Activities and Discussion

The Leadership Team at Lusher Alternative Elementary School in New Orleans, Louisiana, includes classroom teachers, an arts specialist teacher, the principal, and the assistant principal.

Suggested Activities and Discussion

Consider the following additional questions for reflection:

  • Could a Leadership Team be effective in your school? How would it be structured? How would the Leadership Team implement its plans throughout the school?
  • Would you want to be a member of a Leadership Team?

Improving Practice
Here are some additional ways you can build on the ideas in this program in a variety of school and community settings:

Professional Development for Teachers

  • Identify the knowledge and skills that would help teachers serve more effectively on a Leadership Team. Plan a workshop or course around leadership development.

Leadership Teams

  • Identify the special skills and unique perspectives of your team members. Consider ways in which individual members might share their knowledge to benefit the group. Put together a skills bank to consult for future projects.
  • Invite parents or prospective partners to a Leadership Team meeting to hear their perspectives on current issues. Schedule periodic open meetings that other teachers and parents can attend.
