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The Arts In Every Classroom: A Video Library K-5

Bringing Artists to Your Community Activities and Discussion

Visiting musician Michael Stanwood works with third-grade teacher Sandi Waitman at Idalia School in Idalia, Colorado.

Suggested Activities and Discussion

Consider the following questions for reflection:

  • What kinds of artist residencies would you like to see in your school?
  • What steps would you need to take to have an artist residency program for your school?

Improving Practice
Here are some additional ways you can build on the ideas in this program in a variety of school and community settings:

Professional Development for Teachers

  • Visit a school that has a visiting-artist program. What can you learn from that experience?
  • Create or attend a workshop on hosting, developing, or funding an artist residency.
  • Develop a joint session where teachers and artists can learn more about each other’s communications styles and instructional approaches.
  • Create a “dictionary” with key concepts and vocabulary from teachers’ and artists’ environments.

Community Outreach

  • Contact your city, county, or state arts council and use the Web to investigate visiting-artist programs and funding available to schools in your area.
  • Contact the educational outreach specialist of the symphony orchestra, museum, or other arts group nearest you. Invite a representative to a curriculum planning session to discuss what resources are available locally and how a visiting-artist program could enhance learning at your school.
