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Meghan Zingle
Spanish II
Glastonbury High School, Glastonbury, Connecticut
Lesson Date
March 1
Class Size
40 minutes daily
In this lesson, students interpret and discuss Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. First, as a class, students list vocabulary words suggested by the images in the painting. Then, working in pairs, they write a radio news announcement based on their interpretations of the painting. Finally, students read about and discuss the painting’s historical background and prepare to use this information to revise their newscast.
Communication: Interpersonal, Interpretive, Presentational
Cultures: Products
Connections: Making Connections
negotiation of meaning
In this process, teachers and students try to convey information to one another and reach mutual comprehension through restating, clarifying, and confirming information. The teacher may help students get started or work through a stumbling block using linguistic and other approaches.
thematic units
Thematic units are designed using content as the organizing principle. Vocabulary, structures, and cultural information are included as they relate to the themes in each unit. For an excellent example of theme-based units, see the Nebraska Foreign Language Education Web site in General Resources.
Reflect on Your Practice
As you reflect on these questions, write down your responses or discuss them as a group.
Watch Other Videos
Watch other videos in the Teaching Foreign Languages K–12 library for more examples of teaching methodologies like those you’ve just seen. Note: All videos in this series are subtitled in English.
Put It Into Practice
Try these ideas in your classroom. Where it’s not already evident, reflect on how to adapt an idea that targets one performance range for application to other performance ranges.
World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages create a roadmap to guide learners to develop competence to communicate effectively and interact with cultural understanding. This lesson correlates to the following Standards:
Interpersonal Communication
Interpretive Communication
Presentational Communication
Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives
Making Connections
Lesson Materials
Painting Interpretation Web: Student Work (PDF, 40 K)
Sample graphic organizer completed by a student during the Guernicainterpretation activity
Curriculum References
Glastonbury Public Schools: Foreign Language Department
Meghan Zingle’s Additional Resources
Web Resources:
Online tutorial with links to Spanish pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and verb lessons for students and teachers
Conjuguemos: Conjugation Practice
Self-timed, self-graded grammar exercises with an optional grade verification sheet (Available in French, German, Latin, and Spanish)