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Workshop 8 takes viewers into the classrooms of three language arts teachers—Velvet McReynolds, Mary Cathryn Ricker, and Jack Wilde—as their students tackle the ongoing task of revision.
To Velvet McReynolds, revision is at the heart of the writing process—it’s “where the magic happens.” Using a student exemplar, class discussion, handouts, and individual and small-group work, Velvet prompts her seventh-graders to focus on revising personal narratives they wrote earlier in the year. The two-day session culminates with a celebration circle where students share “before” and “after” versions of their papers.
Mary Cathryn Ricker’s seventh-grade students are beginning work on an autobiographical multigenre project. On the second day of the unit, Mary Cathryn presents a mini-lesson on the Barry Lane revision technique of “exploding the moment.” After the students mine their writing notebooks for a piece of personal writing to revise, Mary Cathryn moves around the room helping them come up with details that will expand and improve their writing.
Jack Wilde also is teaching a mini-lesson, this one on leads for persuasive essays. Using models drawn from other students’ papers, Jack helps his class generate a list of effective ways to begin their papers. Then, after the students have drafted openings for their essays, they confer with one another and with Jack about possible revisions.
Throughout the workshop, we hear reflections on revision from both teachers and students, as well as discussions among the teachers about dealing with student resistance to revision, planning mini-lessons, and other issues related to the revision process.
This workshop demonstrates a variety of teaching practices that help students develop skills in revising their writing.
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Starting on the first day of school, Velvet McReynolds‘ seventh-graders assemble their quick writes and drafts in a writing portfolio. Over the course of the year, the students will select some of these pieces for revision and eventual publication. Velvet balances a workshop approach to writing instruction with the necessity of preparing the students for Alabama’s state assessment. So her instructional planning always includes lessons and mini-lessons that incorporate state writing standards.
By the second semester, the students’ portfolios include a minimum of two personal narratives—one written after Velvet reads Mem Fox’s Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge to the class and the second inspired by a scene from The Giver by Lois Lowry. To help the students move these pieces along—and to insure that they meet the standards for writing narratives set by the state—Velvet suggests that the students focus on one of these two personal narratives for their special revision session. However, in keeping with the goal of providing student choice, she also allows them to choose some other piece from their portfolio, including quick writes.
Revision Lesson (pdf)
On revision vs. editing
“A lot of adults in education don’t understand what happens at the revision stage because we are so married to the editing stage.”
On looking for evidence of revision
“The first thing I look for is writing on paper.”
Strategy for reluctant revisers
“I would actually use the strategies that I might use with non-readers or with second-language students… .”
Editor’s note: The sample student papers have been reproduced exactly as the students wrote them, including mechanical and grammatical errors.
Mary Cathryn Ricker knows her students understand the power of revision when they see the difference on paper before and after, especially after “exploding the moment” from one draft to the next. This revision strategy—developed by Barry Lane and featured in his book After THE END: Teaching and Learning Creative Revision (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1993, ISBN: 0435087142)—is a favorite of Mary Cathryn’s. She has found that it’s an effective technique for helping her students add detail to their writing.
Mary Cathryn also makes her writer’s notebook available to her students as well as drafts of her writing so they can see the many different ways writers revise. In the segment featured in Workshop 8, Mary Cathryn models “exploding the moment” in a piece she wrote about a surprise party and in a student example.
On approaches to revision:
“I try to promote revision on two different levels.”
On teaching reluctant revisers:
“When I find a student who is reluctant to revise because they think it’s already great, part of me wants to chuckle on the inside.”
On addressing mechanics in writing:
“As I read a piece of writing that I recognize as beautiful, as I recognize as a very strong piece of writing, I struggle with where the voice in that piece begins and the mechanics need to end.”
An important part of Jack Wilde‘s instruction on revision is helping his fifth-grade students identify what’s effective in others’ writing in order to apply it to their own work. Jack uses models written by other students, his class identifies elements of effective writing, and then they use the lists they generate to revise their own work.
Jack requires his students to make at least three changes to their drafts because he has found that once students have made one change to a piece, it becomes easier to make subsequent changes. The students record the number and types of revisions they’ve made—spider legs, carets, cut and tape, etc.—on a revision sheet (pdf).
During Workshop 8, we see Jack teach a mini-lesson on introductions. Mini-lessons are an integral part of the writing workshop in Jack’s classroom—they help his students understand important features of successful writing so they can improve their own pieces.
On introducing students to revision:
“I think that probably one of the biggest ways in which writers can grow and that they change in middle school is to start to understand the power of revision.”
Importance of publication in revision:
“Obviously, another driving force in revision is your connection to the piece.”
On teaching editing in context of students’ writing:
“Editing is certainly another critical aspect of the whole writing process.”
Editor’s note: The sample student papers have been reproduced exactly as the students wrote them, including mechanical and grammatical errors.
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