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Carol O’Donnell uses peer facilitation circles to encourage students to share their thoughts, reactions, questions, and observations about texts. Done with almost no intervention from the teacher, the peer facilitation circle involves the whole class and therefore places the responsibility for the flow of the conversation on the students. In this kind of discussion, students assume responsibility for their learning and are better prepared to work effectively in small groups. They also begin to learn how to have authentic, sophisticated conversations about literature.
Peer Facilitation Circle in Carol O’Donnell’s Class
To prepare her students for a peer facilitation circle, Carol O’Donnell assigns chapters from James McBride’s memoir, The Color of Water, and asks the students to prepare three kinds of responses to the reading: 1) open-ended discussion questions; 2) quotations that they found significant; and 3) emotional or intellectual reactions. (See Student Work.)
To begin the peer circle, one student volunteers to share a reaction to McBride’s memoir. This student then calls on another student (whose hand is raised) to contribute a related reaction. The circle continues this way, each student calling on another student to share reactions, quotations, or questions they have prepared, until everyone has participated at least once. Together they consider student-created questions by looking closely at passages in the text and talking to each other.
Tips and Variations for the Peer Facilitation Circle
Assessment of the Peer Facilitation Circle
Benefits of the Peer Facilitation Circle
The peer facilitation circle gives students responsibility for their learning. They can ask authentic questions; in choosing quotations, questions, and reactions to bring to the circle, they learn what they find most important and interesting. As teacher educator Valerie Kinloch comments, “Peer facilitation circles allow students to be responsible for the work that they are doing in the classroom in ways that go beyond these boundaries of the teacher as facilitator, the teacher as constructor of knowledge, the teacher as generator of knowledge. Here the student is co-constructor of knowledge, the student is explorer, and the student is questioner.”
The talk show dramatizes the exploration of literature. Because students are generally familiar with the format, talk shows are a particularly engaging form of “reader’s theater,” or minimalist classroom theater in which the students write and perform skits based on the literature they are studying. In creating a talk show, the students interpret characters, conflicts, themes, and issues for a live audience on a classroom “stage.”
To create a talk show, some students role-play key characters from one or several texts, while other students role-play interviewers or reporters. Often, teachers will host, directing the flow of questions and answers among characters and reporters. After the class has experience with this strategy, a student might take on the role of host.
Talk Show in Carol O’Donnell’s Classroom
Before creating their talk show, Carol O’Donnell’s students read works by Julia Alvarez, Gish Jen, Khoi T. Luu, Lensey Namioka, and James McBride that explore issues of identity. Then students take on roles. O’Donnell comments, “Often I assign roles, as it helps me challenge some students to take on particular roles they might not have chosen themselves.” The students who will play reporters determine their media affiliation and write open-ended questions for a specific character or for the group. Each character-playing student writes an “identity statement,” drawing on the text and their imagination. (See Student Work.)
When the talk show begins, the students playing characters sit at a table with identifying name tags, while the students playing reporters sit across from them with media affiliation name tags. The panelists first present their statements of identity, then the reporters pose questions. O’Donnell acts as the host, directing the flow of questions and answers and occasionally adding comments.
Tips and Variations for the Talk Show
Assessment of the Talk Show
To help students assess their own learning through this strategy, teachers might pose questions such as:
Benefits of the Talk Show
Students generally find this creative drama activity motivating and memorable. Drawing upon their interpretations and their imaginations, the students can demonstrate their understanding, synthesize information, and make sophisticated connections between texts and their lives.
Language arts teachers find creative ways to help students see literature as a window into themselves. As they ask how situations shape literary characters, teachers also ask how the students’ backgrounds have shaped them. Carol O’Donnell takes these questions a step further. In a unit on identity, the students not only explore how literary characters articulate their identities, they also craft their own “identity stories” of various genres to share with the class.
Identity Stories in Carol O’Donnell’s Classroom
From the beginning of the unit, O’Donnell asks the students to think about their identities in terms of race, class, ethnicity, religion, gender, and culture. “Why does identity matter? When did you even realize you had one?” she asks. She begins with poems by Diana Chang and Naomi Shihab Nye, and has the students talk in pairs about critical moments in which they realized something about their identities. She then has the students fill in census forms; they note how difficult it is to categorize themselves. O’Donnell then asks the students to listen to music selections in different genres (opera, rock, and R&B), to generalize about what kind of people like each, and to think about which piece they most relate to. She also asks the students to write about and share in small groups a family cultural practice. Throughout the unit, O’Donnell encourages the class to question their assumptions about identity and examine stereotypes.
At the end of the unit, O’Donnell asks her students to collect what they have learned from the readings, discussions, and other activities into a three-page “identity story,” which they will share with the class. She tells them that the stories should capture the unit’s themes, and “some sense of duality in your own lives.” She invites them to write the stories about two parts of themselves: one based on their understanding of how race, class, gender, ethnicity, culture, or religion has shaped them, and the other about any aspect that they believe represents an essential part of who they are.
For the presentation of the identity stories, the students sit in a circle and share their work. O’Donnell ends by telling the students how much she appreciates being in a classroom where “we’re trusting each other to speak about these things and share our lives.” (See Student Work.)
Tips and Variations for Identity Stories
Benefits of Identity Stories
Identity stories in any form bring students’ lives into the classrooms. O’Donnell tells her students she considers their writings among the essential texts they will study for the unit, as important as the published literature they will read. O’Donnell says that this assignment is “a hallmark of multicultural education where students aren’t simply reading a text about another cultural group, they are also studying themselves” and reflecting on their own experience.
Counts, George. Dare the School Build a New Social Order? Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978.
In this treatise, Counts writes that students should not be isolated from society and that their education should be tied to their communities.
Fine, Michelle, and Lois Weis, eds. Construction Sites: Excavating Race, Class, and Gender Among Urban Youth. New York: Teachers College Press, 2000.
This book looks at the social and academic influences that affect the way students form identities, relations, and social movements.
Greene, Maxine. Releasing the Imagination: Essays on Education, the Arts, and Social Change. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 1995.
Greene makes an argument for incorporating imagination and the arts in education to allow students to find ways to relate to material and express themselves in creative ways.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin, and Amy Ling, eds. Reading the Literature of Asian America. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.
This guide contains tips for teaching Asian American literature.
Ling, Amy. “Teaching Asian American Literature.” Heath Anthology Newsletter (Spring 1993).
This essay offers analysis and strategies for bringing Asian American texts into the classroom.
Niday, Donna, and Dale Allender. “Standing on the Border: Issues of Identity and Border Crossings in Young Adult Literature.” ALAN Review (Winter 2000):60-63.
The authors use the ideas and terminology of border studies to create a framework that teachers can use with students in exploring identities in young adult literature.