"Renaissance" was inspired by the following programs from The Western Tradition and Art of the Western World, two video series in the Annenberg Media Multimedia Collection.

From The Western Tradition:

"The Renaissance and the Age of Discovery"
"The Renaissance and the New World"
"The Reformation"
"The Rise of the Middle Class"

From Art of the Western World:

"The Early Renaissance"
"The High Renaissance"
Exhibit Sources
A list of resources used in the creation of this exhibit.

The creation of this exhibit would not have been possible without the ideas, efforts, and talent of the following individuals:

Academic Specialists
Deborah Lawrence
Renaissance Music Specialist
Lecturer, Smithsonian Institution

Linda Mainville
Professor, St. Leo's College

Project Managers
Linda W. Braun, LEO: Librarians & Educators Online
Jennifer Fleming, Square Circle Solutions

Technical Consultants
Edward Piou, ep Productions
Rick Schmalgemeier, Innovate.Net

Jeffrey Braxton, Myriad Media
Gordon Ng, Pangeum Interactive


"Renaissance" is inspired by programs from The Western Tradition.