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Newton and the Laws of
Most people know Sir Isaac Newton for his discovery of gravity, which
thought to have been triggered when he watched an apple drop from a tree.
Newton was also responsible for laying down the fundamental laws of the
physical universe: the principles that describe not only how things work
but why. These principles are his laws of motion, and they built on
the work of great scientific minds who came before him.
Newton was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1642, only a few years after
the death of Galileo Galilei. He showed no particular talent for farming
(his family's line of work),
but a true genius for mathematics. Building on the work of predecessors
such as Galileo, Copernicus, and Kepler, he laid out the principles of
laws of motion, the universal theories that tied the work of these great
minds together. He once confessed, "If I have seen further than other
men, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Newton was insecure, badtempered, and sometimes reclusive--not exactly
friendly figure of folklore who was charmed by the fall of an apple. But
explained the physical laws that allow us to walk on the moon and build
ever more exciting amusement parks. These are the laws of motion he
laid down:
The First Law of Motion: The Law of
Newton's first law expanded on the work of
Galileo. This well-known law states that bodies in motion tend to stay in
motion, unless they are acted on by an external force. Also, bodies at
rest tend
to stay at rest, unless they are acted upon by an external force.
This law governs why a driver is thrown forward in a head-on
automobile accident. The car may have stopped, but the driver
continues moving forward unless held in place by a seatbelt.
The Second Law of Motion: The Law of
Newton's second law explains how the mass of an object and the amount of
force applied to an object are related to acceleration. In brief, it
says that the greater the mass of an object, the more it resists being
moved and therefore the smaller its acceleration will be. It also says
that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater the object's
acceleration will be.
To understand this law, imagine pushing a pebble, and then imagine
pushing a
boulder. The pebble has a smaller mass, and so will accelerate faster
the boulder will. Now imagine pushing a boulder with your bare hands
and then imagine pushing it with a powerful backhoe. The backhoe is able
exert more force on the boulder, and so will make it accelerate faster
than when
you pushed it with your bare hands.
The Third Law of Motion: The Law of
Newton's third law explains how objects interact with other objects. It's
based on the idea that every action produces an equal and opposite
But what does this really mean?
Think about the bumper cars. When you hit
another car, you exert a force on that car. That's not the end of it,
though. Even if you hit a car that is at rest, that car is also exerting
force on you. These forces are opposite, or moving in different
directions from each other.
Here's another example. When you jump up in the air, you must first
yourself by pushing away from the earth (or in other words, pushing the
earth away). You can't perceive it, but the earth responds by pushing you
away from it. Both your push against the earth and the earth's equal and
opposite push against you propel you into the air.
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