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Most medieval medicines were "simples" made of herbal ingredients, which were taken raw or in teas. One medicine that apothecaries (forerunners of chemists and pharmacists) dispensed was called "treacle" (theriac). Treacle was considered a cure-all. It was said to prevent internal swellings, cure fevers, unblock internal stoppages, alleviate heart problems, epilepsy, and palsy, get rid of blemishes, induce sleep, improve digestion, strengthen limbs, heal wounds, remedy snake bites, cure prolapsed uteruses, and cure the plague.

The formula for treacle stems from a recipe developed by the Greek physician Galen and includes more than 60 ingredients, including the roasted skin of vipers. It took 40 days to make and 12 years to mature.

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The Middle Ages is inspired by programs from The Western Tradition.