Pictured is one in a set of four tapestries housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York city (Click on the image to see a larger picture of the tapestry - 114K). This series is based on hunting park themes, such as hunting for wild boar, hawks, and birds. They all take place at a deer park, although, somewhat ironically, no tapestry survives from this set that depicts the actual hunt for deer. There is conjecture that there may have been additional tapestries in the series, but only these four remain.

What do you think is going on in this tapestry?

If you like, you can read more about tapestries of the Middle Ages or the hunting series of tapestries.

Photo Credit: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of George Blumenthal, 1941 (41.190.228) (c) 1992 The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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