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This program features visits to the schools of each Learner Team during the year following their summer workshop training. It also includes reflective discussions between each team and workshop leader Susanne Burgess.
In this session, you will reflect on the work of the Learner Teams and discuss how your school might act similarly or differently. You also will think about specific ways that you and your colleagues might increase the role of the arts in your classrooms.
These definitions will help you as you watch these lessons.
Homework Assignment:
Talk with other teachers about what is being taught in your school. Look at curriculum maps if they are available. Consider possible connections among and with the arts, and think about how you might collaborate with another teacher to meet common learning objectives.
Explore the Developing Educational Standards Web site, a repository for information about national, state, and local educational standards and curriculum frameworks.
Reading Assignment
The following required readings will support your understanding of Program 7 for the for-credit workshop:
The following articles can add to your understanding of this material:
To prepare for Program 8, review these readings:
Here are some other activities that can boost learning between workshop sessions. Time permitting, you might share what you have learned before or after your next workshop session.
Learn more about arts education by exploring the National Standards for Arts Education. The opening paragraphs for each art form provide a snapshot of what successful teaching of the arts looks like at various grade levels.
Examine the Model Standards for Licensing Classroom Teachers and Specialists in the Arts to learn more about what all teachers — both classroom teachers and arts specialists — should know and be able to do to teach the arts effectively.