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As you watch the program, consider these focus questions:
Writing and Evaluating Performance Tasks (40 minutes)
Facilitator: Distribute the handout Performance Tasks Worksheet (with sample) (PDF).
Reassemble in the four groups established in Program 5. Each group will write a performance task that would enable students to demonstrate their grasp of the enduring idea/understanding and essential questions previously crafted for a lesson integrating the arts. Use the handout Performance Tasks Worksheet (with sample) as a guide in writing the performance task.
As you work, consider these questions:
Decide on the following:
As a group, write a scenario for the performance task that takes into account these key elements:
Facilitator: Distribute the Evaluating Performance Tasks Worksheet (with sample) (PDF) handout.
Using this handout to organize your thoughts, analyze your performance task to ensure that task criteria are clearly aligned with lesson objectives. Edit your completed scenario if necessary.
Facilitator: Distribute the Performance Tasks Rubric Worksheet (with sample) (PDF) handout.
Based on the performance task scenario you have written, design an assessment rubric that would enable you to effectively score students’ performance. Use the Performance Tasks Rubric Worksheet (with sample) as a guide.
Reflection (10 minutes)
Facilitator: Use the following questions to focus a closing discussion:
This process for designing performance tasks is adapted from Wiggins’ and McTighe’s Understanding by Design.