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Teaching Reading: K-2 Workshop

Before You Watch | Teaching Writing as a Process

Video Summary

The video for this session examines how to teach writing as a process. Dr. Jeanne R. Paratore begins her lecture by distinguishing between the different forms of writing and the various purposes for writing. She reviews the stages of the writing process and outlines the classroom practices that develop students’ writing. The workshop participants then watch and discuss two sets of classroom excerpts showing writing instruction in grades K-2. Following their discussion, they analyze their own instructional practices for teaching and managing their writing programs.

Session Preparation

Throughout the session, questions are posed to guide you through the topic. If you are working in a group, discuss your responses; if you are working alone, reflect on them in your journal.

To prepare for the workshop session, you will tap your prior knowledge, read two articles on writing instruction, and review important terms.

What do you already know?

Print and complete the Writing Instruction Chart (PDF).

Assignment: Save your Writing Instruction Chart to update and revise throughout the session.

Read these articles:

Sound Writing Program Part: 1 | 2 | 3 (PDF)
Bromley, K. “Building a Sound Writing Program.” In Gambrell, L., et al., eds. Best Practices in Literacy Instruction, 2d ed., 152-174. New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press, 1999.

Writing Workshop Part: 1 | 2 | 3 (PDF)
Fletcher, R., and J. Portalupi. Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide, 1-33. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 2001.

Review these important terms:

Author’s Chair
Independent writing
Interactive writing
Invented spelling
Journal writing
Scaffolded instruction
Writing process
Writer’s Workshop

Revise your chart:
Return to your Writing Instruction Chart. Add any new thoughts, ideas, or questions based on the readings and review of important terms.

Series Directory

Teaching Reading: K-2 Workshop


Produced by WGBH Educational Foundation. 2003.
  • ISBN: 1-57680-681-2
