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Teaching Reading: K-2 Workshop

Before You Watch | Connecting School and Home

Video Summary

The video for this session examines the research and related practices for building positive home-school connections. Dr. Paratore presents research on how language, culture, and socio-economics influence the different ways parents use literacy at home. After the lecture, workshop participants discuss their experiences in promoting parent involvement. They then watch and discuss classroom excerpts illustrating ways to connect school and home literacy.

Session Preparation

Materials Needed for This Session

A student’s work samples and assessment records.

Throughout the session, questions are posed to guide you through the topic. If you are working in a group, discuss your responses; if you are working alone, reflect on them in your journal.

To prepare for the workshop session, you will tap your prior knowledge, read an article on home-school literacy practices, and review important terms.

What do you already know?
Print and complete the Connecting School and Home Chart (PDF).

Assignment: Save your Connecting School and Home Chart to revise at the end of the session.

Read this article:

Home and School Together Part: 1 | 2 | 3 (PDF)
Paratore, J. R. “Home and School Together: Helping Beginning Readers Succeed.” In Farstrup, A. E., and S. J. Samuels, eds. What Research Has To Say About Reading Instruction, 48-68. Newark, Del.: International Reading Association, 2000.

Review these important terms:

Background knowledge
Emergent literacy
Funds of knowledge
Home literacy
Portfolio assessment

Revise your chart:

Return to your Connecting School and Home chart. Add any new thoughts, ideas, or questions based on your readings and review of important terms.

Series Directory

Teaching Reading: K-2 Workshop


Produced by WGBH Educational Foundation. 2003.
  • ISBN: 1-57680-681-2
