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Social Studies: Educational Curriculum

Social Studies Resources

Throughout Social Studies, a diverse group of students confronts many challenges that teenagers everywhere are dealing with in some capacity. Often these challenges are exacerbated by smartphones and social media. Some of these concepts are threaded throughout the entirety of the five episodes, while some are touched upon briefly by some of the students in particular episodes. This curriculum includes the concepts woven throughout Social Studies that will include some lessons, smaller activities, or resources as they relate to technology and social media.

These resources are designed for teacher flexibility. Some of these lessons and activities can be inserted into existing curricula or excerpted by teachers to tailor to their specific disciplines. They can be used as full lessons for individual or multiple blocks (depending on the block schedules for teachers), excerpted for mini-lessons, used as a foundation for creating new lessons, or used as homework assignments in some cases. There is no particular order to teach this curriculum. Lessons and resources can be used together or standalone to plug in wherever you see value for them in your own practice and curriculum. You know your students best, and you can use whole or parts of lessons or resources to design lessons or activities in whatever way is best for you, your students, and your classes.

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