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What actually happens when readers encounter a text for the first time? How do they make sense of it and what processes do their brains go through as they get further immersed in the literature? Why are some readers successful and others are not? More importantly, how does our teaching impact the success of readers?
Dr. Judith Langer spent more than eight years studying these questions. She discovered that readers who have close transactions with text take a journey in the text world as they read. She describes the process these effective readers go through as envisionment building. Competent readers build envisionments, or their own understandings of the text, by moving through a variety of stances. Stances are options that allow readers to gather information, make personal connections, reflect upon their own lives, and critique and analyze the craft of the author and their experiences with the text. These options occur throughout the reading process, in a random sequence.
In this second workshop program in the series of eight, Dr. Langer defines the process of envisionment building, examines the stances or positions readers take in relationship to the text, and comments on the implications this research has on classroom practices. Panelists also comment on their own reading experiences and journeys with text as they build envisionments. They celebrate these journeys together as they talk about the ways their discussions helped them form closer, personal transactions with a variety of literary texts.
For a complete guide to the workshop session activities, download and print our support materials.
The Four Stances:
Being Out and Stepping Into an Envisionment
When readers step into the text world, they search for clues in order to form initial impressions about the literature and their journey through it. Readers stand in this position from the first moment they pick up the book. This relationship to the text also occurs when readers are confounded by new information in the text, and are then forced to return to this stance to clarify or adjust an envisionment.
Being In and Moving Through an Envisionment
Being In and Moving Through text allows readers to connect personal experiences and background knowledge to the text world. Here, readers move through the text world, observing the lives of the characters, breathing in the setting, conflicts and dilemmas, and wondering what they might do if they were in the characters’ situations. Readers become part of the text world through their own cognitive journey. As they take multiple perspectives and consider possibilities, their understandings deepen.
Stepping Out and Rethinking What One Knows
When readers Step Out and Rethink, they use the text as an opportunity to reconsider aspects of their own lives, reflecting upon decisions, experiences, and dilemmas. This is one of the most powerful reasons we read literature — to understand ourselves and the world around us better. In this stance, readers have an opportunity to examine their past lives, their present lives, and the lives that lie ahead of them.
Stepping Out and Objectifying the Experience
This stance provides readers with the opportunities to critique the text as a literary work, analyzing the author’s craft, use of imagery, language, structure and allusions and objectifying their interpretations of the text. In this position, readers have the opportunity to see how the literary elements relate to the whole work’s meaning, as well as how the work relates to other texts.
Principles of an Envisionment-Building Classroom:
Teachers can offer support to students as they grow as envisionment builders by:
After viewing this program, participants will be able to:
In preparation for this workshop, you may want to read the poem “Oranges” by Gary Soto, which can be found in the anthology Literature: An Introduction To Reading and Writing, 5th edition, Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs, 1998, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-010076-5.
Additional online resources related to the author include:
You may also want to read Chapter 2, “Building Envisionments,” as well as Chapter 4, “The Classroom as a Social Setting for Envisionment Building,” and Chapter 5, “A Practical Pedagogy” in Dr. Judith Langer’s Envisioning Literature. (Envisioning Literature by Dr. Judith Langer, from the Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1995. ISBN 0-8077-3464-0.
For other resources, look under Additional Reading.
Journal: Reflect upon your own classroom and instructional practices. What elements of your classroom community are already supporting the envisionment-building process? What else can you do to create an envisionment-building literary community?
Reading: In preparation for Workshop 3, you may want to read the poem “The Lifeguard” by James Dickey and the short story “First Confession” by Frank O’Connor. Literature selections can be found in Literature: An Introduction To Reading and Writing, 5th edition, Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs, ©1998, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-010076-5.
You may want to consult the following online resources for more information:
Poem: “The Lifeguard” by James Dickey
Short Story: “First Confession” by Frank O’Connor
Within the workshop session, you will be reading the Langston Hughes poem “Let America Be America Again,” which can be found in the anthology Literature: An Introduction To Reading and Writing, 5th edition, Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs, © 1998, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-010076-5.
For online resources related to Langston Hughes and his poetry visit:
If you have not alreadydone so, you may also want to read Chapter 2, “Building Envisionments,” pages 9-16 in Envisioning Literature by Dr. Judith Langer. (Envisioning Literature by Dr. Judith Langer, from the Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1995. ISBN 0-8077-3464-0.) This excerpt explains the process of building envisionments and gives an overview of the stance Being Out and Stepping In.
You may want to try these activities back in the classroom.
Activities: Build a Literary Community
Activity One: Discussion Guidelines
Begin to build your own literary community. Consider creating classroom discussion guidelines in collaboration with your students. Guide your students towards the concepts of mutual respect, the value of unique perspectives, and respect for the text. Help your students to consider what is appropriate to say in a discussion and what is not. How should students respond to one another? Try small brainstorming groups and then offer a “gallery walk.” Here, groups of students can walk around the room and post their ideas on large pieces of poster paper.
As each group rotates to the next station, they can add to the ideas already posted by the previous group. Each key topic from the Sample Discussion Guidelines can be used for creating each station, including “Attitudes,” “Behaviors: Come Prepared,” “Behaviors: Respond Appropriately,” and “Thinking.” To wrap up the activity, review ideas posted, consult with the students about what is missing or what can be combined, and then collaboratively create a master list of guidelines for classroom posting. When creating the master list, encourage students to select the most essential points to keep the final guidelines manageable. Utilize the Sample Discussion Guidelines as a teacher resource for facilitating this activity. [Click here for a PDF version]
Activity Two: Literary Hunt
Create a literary hunt for the purpose of giving students an opportunity to get to know one another and their literary interests. Create pre-assigned heterogeneous groups of four students each. Ask students to pair up with someone in their group and interview one another, using the Literary Hunt Activity Sheet.[Click here for a PDF version.] Provide students with time to interview one another. Before the students begin, explain to them that they will be asked to introduce their partner to their group, so they should listen closely.
As an extension to this activity, the teacher may ask groups to focus on how they will share what they have learned about their group members. Members could consider the following: What experiences do members of the group have in common? What differences helped you to understand one another? What important things did you learn? As a culminating activity, ask students to reflect on their experiences in their classroom journals. Students might consider what they learned from the experience, what surprised them, and maybe something they learned about themselves from participating in the activities. Overall, these activities will allow students to learn about one another, beginning the foundation for mutual respect in the classroom literary community.
Activity Three: Think Aloud
A think aloud is an activity where the reader verbalizes their internal thoughts during the envisionment-building process. From the moment the reader approaches the text, they share their thoughts, questions, and hunches out loud. The teacher may want to model the process with a short poem or a small compact passage of fiction. Refer to the Activity Sheet: Think Aloud Teacher Resource [click here for a PDF version] and the Sample Think Aloud Response to Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher” [click here for a PDF version.] to help you model the process.
After modeling the process, select an additional passage for modeling with student input. You may want to hand out copies of the Activity Sheet: Student Think Aloud [click here for a PDF version] for this purpose. In this activity, the teacher should ask students to jot down their thoughts and questions as the teacher pauses between sentences during a read aloud. It is ideal for the students to have a copy of the passage in front of them.
Encourage students to pose questions, connect personal experiences, and reflect on what the text initially means to them. Tell students that the think aloud process invites reader interruptions, giving them an opportunity to interact with the text. After the second think aloud model, share student responses and questions so that everyone can see how others react to the literature. Next, ask students to work in pairs. Again, select a think aloud passage for the students. Ask them to take turns reading a few lines and verbalizing their thoughts. Students should be encouraged to share the reading and verbalizing responsibilities.
As you observe the many pairs, you may need to coach the students by posing thought-provoking questions to move their thinking along. These activities will give students an opportunity to become aware of what and how they and others think and how they have options for further enriching their ideas.
Think Aloud Resources:
Teacher Resource
Here are some suggested guidelines to consider as you begin to build your own literary community with your students. Paramount to creating a viable classroom literary community is the opportunity for students to take ownership of the classroom environment they help to create. Consider the following ideas as you create discussion guidelines in concert with your students:
Activity One:
Directions: The goal of this activity is to get to know your classmates and their literature experiences. By interviewing one classmate in your assigned group, you will learn something new about yourself and someone else. Use the list of questions below to get started. You will be asked to share what you learned with the other members of your group and with the whole class, so listen carefully!
1. What is your all-time favorite book, short story, article, or poem and why? What made this work so memorable for you?
2. Who is your favorite character from a work of fiction and why? Why do you remember this character? If you cannot think of a character from literature, consider a character from a movie or television program.
3. What type of reading do you most enjoy and why?
4. Where do you do most of your “pleasure” reading outside of school? Describe the place you like to read and why you enjoy it so much.
5. If you could walk in the shoes of any fictional character, who would it be and why?
6. What is your least favorite book? What caused you to feel this way about the book?
Activity Two:
Directions: After your group is finished interviewing one another, introduce the person you interviewed to the rest of the group. Everyone must listen closely, as you will be expected to report your group’s findings to the rest of the class.
Activity Three:
Directions: After everyone in the group has had an opportunity to introduce their partner, focus on how you will share what you have learned about each group member to the whole class. Consider the following:
Activity Four:
Reflect upon your experiences today in your classroom journals. Consider what you learned from the experience, what surprised you, and maybe something you learned about yourself from participating in the activities.
A Think Aloud is an activity where readers verbalize their internal thoughts while building an understanding of what they are reading. This process of figuring out what the text means begins from the very moment readers pick up a book and glance at its title. Readers’ thoughts might include questions, connections to personal experiences and past reading experiences, judgments of the author’s writing, as well as thoughts about their lives. Consider the following leading questions and statements as you prepare to model a Think Aloud for your students:
When you first approach the text:
Throughout your reading:
After Reading
A think aloud is a stream-of-consciousness activity where readers offer their first thoughts and impressions as they encounter a text. Using the think aloud approach, readers verbalize their internal thoughts as they begin to make meaning out of a text.
Start by considering the leading statements and questions below, before you begin your own think aloud. Then, read aloud segments or lines (if it is poetry). As you read through the text, verbalize your thoughts. After a think aloud, discuss initial impressions and receive feedback from the classroom community.
Leading Statements/Questions:
An article by Judith Langer, “A Response-Based Approach to Reading Literature.” Here, Dr. Langer offers guidelines for instruction and a framework for teaching strategies that support an envisionment-building classroom.
Dr. Judith Langer’s article “Discussion Exploration: Literature and the Horizon of Possibilities.” This article explores how the teacher can frame discussion and move along students’ critical thinking and exploration of a horizon of possibilities in envisionment building.
A comprehensive summary of Dr. Judith Langer’s research and the envisionment building process entitled “Thinking and Doing Literature.”
An article by Betty Close, a participant in Judith Langer’s study. Here Close reflects upon her experiences in the classroom, how envisionment building impacted her own teaching and students’ learning experiences.
Additional reports and articles about envisionment building.
A guidelines booklet on “Teaching Middle and High School Students to Read and Write Well.” This practical guide offers six effective features of successful instruction.
The article “How English is Taught and Learned in Four Exemplary Middle and High School Classrooms,” by Steven Ostrowski. The researcher examined several classrooms, noting how instructional practices in the classroom assist students in higher levels of achievement.
Doralyn R. Roberts and Judith Langer’s report “Supporting the Process of Literary Understanding: Analysis of a Classroom Discussion.” Roberts and Langer analyze a classroom literature discussion where students are immersed in their own text interpretations.